Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sesame Reduces Inflammation, Boosts Antioxidants.

Sesame Reduces Inflammation, Boosts Antioxidants

Sesamin, one of the lignans found in sesame seeds, has been reported to possess antioxidant effects and to scavenge reactive oxygen species.17 It apparently acts as an anti-inflammatory as well, reducing inflammation by increasing levels of dihomo-gamma linolenic acid, a precursor of anti-inflammatory prostaglandin E1. Sesame also decreases production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4 by inhibiting delta-5 desaturase enzyme activity.18 Studies in rats demonstrate that sesamin can lower serum lipids,19 while other animal studies suggest that sesamin may prevent hypertension.20

The tocopherols, the family of nutrients that includes vitamin E, are believed to play an important role in preventing some major diseases associated with aging, including heart disease and cancer. In humans, consumption of a moderate amount of sesame seeds has been found to significantly increase blood levels of gamma tocopherol,21 which appears to be an especially beneficial member of the vitamin E family. Animal studies likewise have demonstrated that intake of sesame seeds and sesame lignans, particularly sesamin, increases blood levels of gamma tocopherol.22 Sesame and its lignans appear to offer numerous benefits, including promoting healthy vitamin E levels, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy blood lipids and blood pressure.

I love cooking with sesame oil! It provides amazing flavors and all the benefits you just read about! =)


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